
Showing posts from September, 2020

The story of Machiavelli

          Machiavelli states that a prince who occupies his own country should dominate all the  neighboring  countries and weaken the stronger countries in order stay in rule of their current state by  making sure no other countries try to invade their country and weaker countries will naturally follow  the stronger countries. Once the prince conquers all the countries he must make sure to govern them  like he governs his own states. Also, a prince's job is to solve all conflicts before it increases and gets  out of hand. These were the same tactics that the Romans used and this influenced Machiavelli to use  the same methods..."In the provinces they took over, the Romans followed these politics: they sent in  colonies, kept the less powerful occupied without increasing their strength, put down the powerful, and  did not allow powerful foreigners to acquire a reputation there (Machiavelli 9)". So Machiavelli's goal  was to plan ahead and solve the problem by conqueri

Student of CRC Humanities

 This is an example 

Blog entry #2: Telling the Story of the Early Renaissance: 2.7

     This chapter introduces the Art of the West or mainly the Art in Florence Italy and its Architecture.  Florence was a city with people called merchants. It was one of those cities where tyranny was not  allowed, but only the people and republic could run the government body(Art of The West 00:00- 03:58).  The people of Florence took interest in Art, Architecture, and trading goods. Most importantly,  trading was the main job that made the people of Florence gain income or wealth, People usually    traded wool and it was also the center of the European banking system (The Early Renaissance 268).   Although, Florence was the center of banking system and trade route, it was most famous for its Art    and Architecture. There were two famous artists from Florence who were competing against each   other  one was Filippo Brunalleschi and the other one was Lorenzo Ghiberti, these two artists were  assigned to create a competition panel of the sacrifice of Isaac for  the North Doors of the

Telling the story of before the Renaissance

  Two of the ideas I liked regarding ancient Greece, Romans, Christianity, Islam and Middle ages or Renaissance groups in other words were their arts and architectures. Although, Christianity influenced the Roman Empire this encouraged me to say that the Roman Empire made infrastructures from stone and arts through stones and stones, their whole goal was to make it beautiful, religious, civil, militaristic and artistic that symbolizes their culture just like Greece, Islam, and the Middle ages. These groups had one goal and their goal was to spread out their knowledge, government, religion, culture, art and architecture throughout the world. Nowadays architecture and art made by these Renaissance groups is a number one factor that explains a lot about their history as a result the descendants of these Renaissance groups use these architectures to practice their religion, do a tour, or discover something new within these architectures and display art in the museum to tell the story of th